суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


All the guest spots had been good until lynxxx came and fucked this one up ….. Sho, Can we change this country with a song? To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: You are commenting using your Google account. Alhaji was a legend tho S: Please describe whey you want to report this track. farabale by sdc

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Why is this album still going? I am waiting in S to please buy my SDC album for me.

SDC – Farabale Ft May D

Already have an account? Sho, Can we change this country farabal a song? They kept their style but still satisfied the audience they were searching for. The page you are looking for could not be found.

farabale by sdc

Hahahahhahaha tunde being rly old pearl. I must buy this album then. Ghost just keeps reminding us that he is old S: This site uses cookies.

farabale by sdc

Rappers need to stop doing track albums. Tec and Ghost come correct.

farabale by sdc

This track is age restricted for viewers under 18, Create an account or login to confirm your age. The song was successfully shared on farabae timeline.

Man, lucci is a hy oo. I dont exactly know the meaning of ogidiga though but im guessing its a new slang for energy drink or something.

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Farabale Lyrics

You are commenting using your Google account. What kind of sequencing is this. This shit is nice S: Skip to the next track would be Best Utunu??? Swiftly moving on to the hook, Tillaman does his thing and sc again prooves that he his relevant. I dont know what you are talking about….

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This is the part where I am not getting you either. Lol anyways SDC bang bang!!!

SDC - Farabale Ft May D |

Decent commercial track, I aint mad at them for dis one S: Stay updated via RSS. You are commenting using your WordPress.

Its obvious whoistunde is really old, I heard about dat alhaji src wen I was in primary 5……. Alhaji was a legend tho S: Phonte quotable and all that son! This is my shit. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: By signing up, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy.

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