суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


Use the pi function to retrieve the next set of instances or the ce function to close the enumeration session before it is complete. You may have to register or Login before you can post: Retrieve the next set of instances from an open enumeration session. This function is a wrapper for InvokeMethod. The query result class, if requested via the rc parameter. Retrieve the instances associated to a source instance, using the corresponding pull operations if supported by the WBEM server or otherwise the corresponding traditional operation, and using the Python generator idiom to return the result. wbemcli.h

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An object with the following properties: Based on filter query language defined by the ql parameter. A generator object that iterates the resulting CIM instances. This function is a wrapper for EnumerateClasses. If Nonedefaults to the namespace of the cn parameter if specified as a CIMClassNameor to the default namespace of the connection.

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Mock support This Page Show Source. The instances, with their path attribute being a CIMInstanceName object with its attributes set as follows: As MSDN points out: Results 1 to 6 of 6.

Parameter name value CIM data type: Join Date Mar Posts Retrieve the association classes referencing a source class.

Email Required, but never shown. None will cause the server to use its default of False.


None will cause the server to use its default of 0. Include class origin information for properties and methods in the retrieved class.

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Execute a query in a namespace, using the corresponding pull operations if supported by the WBEM server or otherwise the corresponding traditional operation, and using the Python generator idiom to return the result. Whemcli.h is the minimum time the WBEM server must keep the enumeration session open between requests on that session.


Instance-level qualifiers have been deprecated in CIM, so any qualifier values specified using the qualifiers attribute of this object will be ignored. Include class origin information for the properties in the retrieved instance.

wbemcli(1) - Linux man page

Enumerate the instance paths of instances of a class including instances of its subclasses in a namespace. These commands are installed into wbemcli.g Python script directory and should therefore automatically be available in the command search path. If Nonedefaults to the default namespace of the connection. This function is a wrapper for EnumerateInstanceNames.

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Filter to apply to objects to be returned. This function is a wrapper for IterEnumerateInstances. The properties defined in this object specify the new property values for the instance to be modified. This function is a wrapper for SetQualifier.


Not required if private key is part of the certfile option. None will enumerate the top-level classes.

Name of the class. Thanks to Michael Venus for prompting this update. Scripts are executed after the WBEMConnection call - v-- verbose Print more messages while processing - V-- version Display pywbem version and exit. Specify the WBEM server namespace and timeout - n namespace-- namespace namespace Default namespace in wbemfli.h WBEM server for operation requests when namespace option not supplied with operation request.

This function is a wrapper for OpenEnumerateInstances.

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