вторник, 11 февраля 2020 г.


Great sound, no jitter. Dear beloved RaspyFi Users. Also check if your router has whitelist or blacklist enabled! If I can get it working as an access point I should be able to connect and SSH in so that can set up a new wifi to connect to. However I can hear some popping sound while listening to music. raspyfi 1.0

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RaspyFi audiophile linux is out! | All Things Tech

It has Internet Radio enabled out of the Box. RaspiFy is awesome btw! But I have to use Chrome as browser, with IE11 I dont get usable grafics, even when using compatibility mode. But if you hide the mA behind a — passive or active — hub, it works just great.

No popping whilst the database is updating either and I noticed SSH login is very snappy. What have I done wrong? Have you enabled samba? We are currently thinking on a party mode, but to be honest is in the bottom part of our priority list….

raspyfi 1.0

Same pops and glitches on UDAC I want to use the DAC which is built into the reciever. The RaspyFi distro is designed to achieve reasonable sound quality from your PI without needing to configure it. Please report in the supported dac section which dac are you using so I can add it to compatibility list!

Easy as it sounds. Does this fit on a 4GB SD card? Pulse has been removed because just his presence somehow interacts with the alsa stack, and deteriorates audio performances… Furthermore is not needed….

RaspyFi 1.0 audiophile linux is out!

I am connected by LAN cable. I was using an Apple 1A power supply and getting occasional stumbles or glitches.

I realise that I am doing something wrong. All the info you need here! It took so long for various reasons, all of them will be explained later on. Does this distro scrobble to last. To access it, simply write http: Using via HDMI audio to receiver. Did you update the db? And, btw thanks for congrats… They make me really happy. Dear beloved RaspyFi Users.

Dear rwspyfi, It has been a month full of work here in RaspyFi, I started alone and now RaspyFi is beginning to take shape thanks to the help of some friends who joined the team. Fine tuning on my feedback: It seems like the system does not like this port. GMPC is the remote client.

raspyfi 1.0

We cannnot set it up right now, because you have to raspgfi it with your specific wi-fi dongle. Then insert the ip into gmpc, via the connection wizard. Just copy your files max mb total on the Ramplay samba share, browse to ramplay on the webui, click update this folder, browse it and play it!

raspyfi 1.0

Anywho, you guys are rsspyfi an awesome job on this and it looks beautiful, thank you so much for all the hard work!

It would be cool if a smart phone could be a source, and using wifi instead of bluetooth, one could walk from room to room without audio interruption. The image writer says it it slightly too big to fit mine.

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