понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


Get personalized recommendations for videos to watch on the home page, based on your viewing history. Download Videos You Want to Watch Later Since there's such a wealth of content on PlayTube, the platform makes it easy to save videos you want to watch another time to your Watch Later list or a playlist you created. Estoy aqui de pie con vida soporten a tempo mientras yo viva yo represento a lo que no tienen salida a las esquinas, la pobreza por eso el bajo mundo a mi me inspira soy como soy porque me obligan si canto rap por encima del hombro me miran si soy rapero me marginan y me discriminan pero en ventas de discos nosotros ponemos la diciplina se que latima ver a los rapero en la cima se que encojona saber que tenemos casa con pisina que hay artista que en elloo invierten millones y nosotro vendemos mas discos por nuestro cojones brillamos tambien, y nuestro publico es fiel andamos con los de a cien, tambien tenemos poder es que no quieren aceptar la realidad que estamos creciendo y que mi genero sigue vendiendo coro Tienen que soportar a tempo contra mi quien tu y quien mas Keep track of your video viewing history. Watching a PlayTube video that was embedded into a web page or blog post. tempo soportenme

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Tienen que soportar a tempo contra mi quien tu y quien mas Support your favorite creators by interacting with their videos liking them and leaving comments. Estoy aqui de pie con vida soporten a tempo mientras yo viva yo represento a lo que no tienen salida a las esquinas, la pobreza por eso el bajo mundo a mi me inspira soy como soy porque me obligan si canto rap por encima del hombro me miran si soy rapero me marginan y me discriminan pero en ventas de discos nosotros ponemos la diciplina se que latima ver a los rapero en la cima se que encojona saber que tenemos casa con pisina que hay artista que en elloo invierten millones y nosotro vendemos mas discos por nuestro cojones brillamos tambien, y nuestro publico es fiel andamos con los de a cien, tambien tenemos poder es que no quieren aceptar la realidad que estamos creciendo y que mi genero sigue vendiendo coro Tienen que soportar a tempo contra mi quien tu y quien mas Email sharing, along with sharing options for every major social networking service.

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Watching a PlayTube video by clicking on a link to the soportsnme that shared via email, text message, social media, etc. Billions of videos have been uploaded and shared on the platform since it was founded inranging from Hollywood movie trailers and music videos to amateur vlogs video blogs and videos of cats.


Simply click the Share button for a video and you're presented with several options for sharing it with friends and family. They have to endure tempo against me who you and who else Keep track of your video viewing history.

Subscribe to your favorite channels so you can easily find their latest videos. Ahora me toca a mi Another one buddhas family I'm standing here alive stand at temmpo while I live I represent what they have no way out to the corners, poverty that's why the underworld inspires me I am like I am because they force me if I sing rap over my shoulder they look at me If I'm a rapper, I'm marginalized and discriminated against but in record sales we put the discipline I know it's time to see the rappers at the top I know it hurts to know that we have a house with pisina that there is an artist who invested millions and we sell more records for our balls we shine also, and our public is faithful we walk with those of templ hundred, we also have power is that they do not want to accept reality that we are growing and that my gender is still selling chorus They have to endure tempo against me who you and who else PlayTube is one of the most popular video-sharing platforms in the United States.

Interacting with PlayTube Videos If you find a video that you like, you'll notice several options below the video player.

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Create your public or private video playlists. Get personalized recommendations for videos to watch on the home page, based on your viewing history.

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There are lots of benefits to subscribing to the mailing list. PlayTube in a Nutshell PlayTube is a video platform that's driven by two types of users: Many use it for entertainment purposes, for learning how to do something tutorialsfor keeping up with their favorite artists' latest music videos and so much more. PlayTube is available in nearly every country and over fifty different languages. With a PlayTube subscription, you can: A los cuellos blanco sacrifiquelos y piqualos a nosotros los raperos identifiquenlo como lo del momento, como soportenmw ejemplo tempo mc productor el subsobre pasando lascopias independiente con su distribucion propia productores me copian Anyone with access to a computer or mobile device and an internet connection can watch PlayTube content.

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